This post is about to give you basic examples and how to solve dynamic programming. A classic dynamic programming example is to find number of routes over a rectangular grid.
Here is example of 2x2 grid, there are 6 routes from top-left to bottom-right (without backtracking).
(pic from
Then, how many routes for 20x20 grid? To solve this question with dynamic programming, you must first define the sub-structure. For every point on grid, there is 2 alternative routes, to move down, and to move right. Therefore, current function is a point (m,n), and sub-structure is point on the bottom (m,n-1) and point on the right (m-1,n). Number of routes for point (m,n) equal to point (m,n-1) plus point (m-1,n).
if (m,n-1) has 3 routes to destination,
and (m-1,n) also has 3 routes to destination,
then (m,n) will has 6 (3+3) routes to destination
Except point on bottom most, and on the right most, there is only one sub-structure.
then (m,0) = (m-1,0)
then (0,n) = (0,n-1)
Finally, on the bottom-right most, it is the destination. The route count for itself is equal to 1. And here is the formula:
And you can write it with C# with following code:
Func<long, long, long> func = null;
func = (m, n) => func(m - 1, n) + func(m, n - 1);
func = func.When((m, n) => n == 0, (m, n) => func(m - 1, 0));
func = func.When((m, n) => m == 0, (m, n) => func(0, n - 1));
func = func.When((m, n) => m == 0 && n == 0, (m, n) => 1);
func = func.Memoize();
Console.WriteLine(func(20, 20));
To make it more harder, let's say that each point has different costs, how can we find the route with minimum cost? The logic is the same, but the formula is different. For a specific point on the grid, we will choose route that is lower cost.
if total cost for point (m,n-1)=15
total cost for point (m-1,n)=20
point (m,n-1) has lower total cost,
then point (m,n)=15 + cost of point (m,n)
Here is the formula:
And this is code for C#:
int[,] cost = new int[,] { {131, 673, 234, 103, 18},
{201, 96, 342, 965, 150},
{630, 803, 746, 422, 111},
{537, 699, 497, 121, 956},
{805, 732, 524, 37, 331}};
Func<int, int, int> func = null;
func = (m, n) => cost[m, n] + new[] { func(m - 1, n), func(m, n - 1) }.Min();
func = func.When((m, n) => n == 0, (m, n) => cost[m, n] + func(m - 1, 0));
func = func.When((m, n) => m == 0, (m, n) => cost[m, n] + func(0, n - 1));
func = func.When((m, n) => m == 0 && n == 0, (m, n) => cost[m, n]);
func = func.Memoize();
Console.WriteLine(func(4, 4));
Next article, harder example for dynamic programming.
วันอังคารที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551
Dynamic Programming Part II - Routes
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